The Index from Hermitage, Missouri (2024)

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Hermitage, Missouri

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I HE INDEX Hermitage Mo May 27 1982 9 Former Quincy Woman Observes 80th Birthday Leland five miles north of Quilcene since May of 1947 Mrs Miller is Past Worthy Matron of Quilcene Ch 142 Order of the Fastern Star and a Past Deputy Instructor for the Grand Chapter of Washington She holds a life time membership in her chapter She is a member and past president of the Quilccne Garden Club the Leland Community Club Quilcene Auxiliary to Post 3213 of the VFW and a member of the Quilcene Presbyterian Church She attended Quincy school and lived in Quincy until she was 17 From there she went to Montana and then to Oklahoma to school returning several times to visit Mrmrs Miller attended the last Quincy community reunion in 1980 and they expect to attend this year's reunion They reside at Box 580 Port Townsent On Mother's Day May 9 1982 a surprise birthday party was given to honor Reta Stevens eightieth birthday by her daughter Gloria Hill of Chimacum Washington and her son Frank Parks of Anaheim Cal Mrs Miller Reta Flo Stevens was born May 7 1902 in Fair-field Missouri She was the daughter of Frank and Janave Stevens The celebration was held at the Quilccne Community Center Quilcene Washington (Olympic Penninsula) with 120 guests friends neighbors and relatives joining the family for the festivities After the "Happy Hour" a 6 o'clock champagne buffet dinner of top sirloin roast ham and turkey with dishes donated by friends was served in the gaily decorated banquet room Leon and Reta Miller have been residents of Lake Huck-Monteith To Exchange Vows The Gaimey Interdenominational Church on June 5 has been selected as the wedding place and day for Ricky Shepherd son of Mrmrs Bill Shepherd formerly of Weaubleau and Brenda Dorman daughter of Mrmrs Derreli Dorman of Gaimey A reception will follow at Pomme Grove Hall In Nemo All friends are Invited Diann vsted and I odd Craw lord will exchange marriage vows June 5 1982 at 7 pm at the Weaubleau Baptist Church All friends and relatives are invited Diann is the daughter of Bill Tested of Spokane and Todd is the son of Mrmrs Delbert Crawford of W'eaubleau Vows Exchanged CHURCH REPORTS Elkton Christian We were happy to have Allan and Fran Morrow of St Joseph in church and Mrs Helen Delano back with us Flowers graced our church furnished by Mrs Echo Luse and Mrs Saralene Earsom Rev Earsom's sermon That to was taken from John He also sang a solo Is well With My Soul" The congregation said that both were very good We had and excellent board meeting conducted by chairman Everett Miller Next Sunday is Pentecost Monteith Marzia is the daughter of Mrmrs Alfred Huck of Sinzheim Germany and the groom is the son of Mrmrs Jod Monteith of Preston A graduate of Skyline High School Scott entered the US Army in the field of infantry- He has 1 2 years remaining in his term of service Jhe bride has a masters degree in communication research public relations bibliographic and German language and literature The couple will return to Germany this Saturday and will live in Mainz Germany where the groom is stationed at Lee Barracks Pomme de Terre RLDS The 10 am devotional was given by Elder Harold Clark and Deacon John Prather Harold read a testimony from the Daily Bread entitled "The Lesson of the Red Wood Tree" John offered a prayer The adult Sunday school class was led by Teacher Bill Kropf Berneice Kropf led the youth class Presiding minister over the worship service was Elder Bernie Galbraith assisted by Elders Melvin Benner Harold Clark and Teacher Bill Kropf Speaker for the hour was Elder Don Cogan his subject From Dead Works" Tithes and offerings were received by Deacon John Prather and Denzel Louder Olive Louder served as pianist Next Sunday's speaker will be Elder Lee Burton There will be a baptismal and confirmation service also A bake sale 's scheduled for May 29 See our ad Bible school June 6 thru 11 Marzia Maria Huck and Scott Michael Montieth were married May 23 in a 3 pm ceremony at the Olive Point Baptist Church near Preston A reception as held at the Preston community building The best man was Charles Glanville 111 and the maid of honor was the groom's sister Laura Ann Scottish Rite Dinner Has 81 The Tri-County Scottish Rite Club held its monthly dinner meeting at the Joe Davis Restaurant at Bolivar with an attendance of 81 Entertainment for the evening was presented by Jim Brogdon and his group of young musicians The music was great The June meeting of the club will he held in Buffa: Cross Timbers RLDS Sunday school devotion was by Jill and A1 Lind with Bob Turney at the piano Fred Kirkendoll was acting church school director in the absence of Don Mawhiney who was at the wedding and graduation from Graceland College (Lamoni Iowa) of nephew Craig Tevis Attendance was small due to some families attending Hayden Memorial services Priest Bob Turney of Springfield sang a special Send and accompanied himself on the piano before his sermon on the admonitions of Paul Marion McCarty and George Meyers assisted in the service A fellowship dinner was shared in the afternoon Sunday evening study was on the second coming of Christ Next speaker will be Patrick McKay of Independence PI Ridge Freewill Baptist May 23 attendance 28 Visitors were Winona Drake and son Johnny Percival and Mark Birthday offerings by Amy Cooke and Eathel Percival Our pastor was given the day to attend decoration service at Climax Springs Bro Lee Pitts very ably filled his place and brought the message Sunday morning We dismissed Sunday night A group from the choir sang Will Walk With A good sized crowd witnessed the uniting in marriage of Ronnie Percival and Beverly Horn by the grandfather Bro Nelson The reception followed in the church annex I was in error of the date for VBS It will be June 14 to 18 one to four pm I be Bible- Preston Bible Baptist There were 46 in Sunday school John Fishburn gave to the birthday bank Rev Hankins taught the adult and teen classes continuing the study of Job At the morning service the choir sang "This is My and Brother Hankin's solo was in the Midst of My Storm" The Pastor's message was from Romans and Cor There were 50 present Mrmrs Clayton Wiyninger Kansas City and Mrmrs Glendon Gray Bellevue II were visitors With Gary Neer at the piano the evening service opened with request singing Middie Cunningham and Kay Delana sang of and Brother Hankins sang "The Day He Wore My Jack Williams Bolivar was a first time visitor The church was filled and overflowing Thursday evening for the Christian Day School graduation The auditorium was decorated with the class colors blue and gold and a banner with the class theme can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me" Philippians 4:13 was above the pulpit The high school groups sang "Through It and "Go 1 ell tour World" led by Rev Hankins The speaker was David Scott Lowry City Diplomas were presented to Donna Benedict and Beverly Horn by the school board president Merril Fishburn Hermitage Christian I Church school starting time was 9:30 am followed by worship at 10:30 Rev Frances Cogdill minister brought a good message from 1 John and John the preached word "No The choir anthem was on Me Breath of God" Mrmrs Kenneth Drum attended funeral services for his sister in KC Monday Our sympathy is extended to the family Mrs Vincent Rainwater is a patient at St John's Regional Health Center Springfield We are looking forward to the seminar for church organists to be conducted by David Candle on Thursday May 27 2 till 6 pm at the church All church organists in the area are welcome to participate and can contact Ann Henson phone 745-6823 regarding tuition and registration Mr Candle will present a recital at 8 o'clock that evening The public is invited The Veterans Administra tion is reminding veterans and their dependents that lost legal documents (birth or marriage certificates) should not prevent them from applying for VA benefits VA now accepts certified statements from applicants in place of lost BY LAWRENCE ALEHOUSE Pomme de Terre Baptist Following the youngsters singing Sunday school opened with prayer by Hank Sharp Luke was the scripture read by Jim Reynolds Thanks to Naomi Chambers for the beautiful bouquet of peonies A memory verse was given by Connie and Chris Reynolds Michele Wolf Kathy Connie and Chris Reynolds sang "Everyday With accompanied by Marty Baker at the organ was sung to Peach Floyd and Eric Reynolds Pray was led by Glenn Griffith Following responsive reading All and In All" morning worship opened with prayer by Pastor Alva Penny Bro sermon on was from Proverbs and Matthew Closing prayer was led by Evelyn Penny We were happy to have visitors from Peculiar Polk Gaimey Bolivar and Pittsburg area Bible school date has been set for July 5 thru 9 All children are welcome Sunday evening Hank Sharp read a book on Dry Bones and Falling Prayers were led by Peach Floyd and Hank Sharp Those in our prayers this week are Mrmrs Alva Amlin Myrtle Weaver Lillian Jackson Marvin Chaney Maggie James Penny Anderson Edwin Dorman Cecil Atwood Daisy Mounts and Shannon King COMING SOON May 30 1982 i Preston United Methodist The Rev Clyde Stalling's message for Sunday-morning service was "The Character of the Holy-Spirit" Scripture reading John and Acts Tina Bybee was candlelighter and Bryan Hodges and Glen Wood were ushers We enjoyed a message in song by Rev and Mrs Stalling "Because He Lives" Little Christopher Stalling attended service with his parents Attendance as 44 Special prayer was offered for Lona and Howard Bandel and Edrie Mitchell The two lovely floral arrangements of peonies that graced the sanctuary were brought bv Niva Wilson We were glad to have Icie Hart worship ith us Virginia Mabary was accompanied by her sister-in-law Willie Mabary of Kansas City Memorial Day services will be at the Fisher cemetery Sunday May 30 There will be a business meeting at 2 pm Wilma MitchelL Wava Carter Marie Carter Nina Wilson and Alice Simmons attended our all-day meeting at the Hermitage United Methodist Church Wednesday hosted by the UMW We enjoyed slides and talks on Missions Thanks to them for their hospitality The UMW will meet Wednesday June 2 at 1:30 at the church Hermitage First Baptist Sunday school attendance 46 a larger crowd for the worship service Prayer list: Cecil Long Forrest Wright Lee Owen Joe Taylor Ralph Troxel Juanita Shelton Norman Melton Luida Carroll Raymond Heldstab Murl and Duane Darby Scripture reading by John Sallee deacon prayer by Harry Bartshe deacon Ushers were Bill Dickenson Bill Wright and Dallas Bliss Bill Dickenson gave the offertory prayer A very special message in song by Mark Carney Mark played the guitar and sang a song that he had written Wish 1 Had Another Day Brother thought provoking message Streets or Main used scripture readings from II Timothy 13:5 and Acts Benediction by Raymond Heldstab deacon Last Wednesday evening at the fellowhsip supper the Church honored Brian and Kathy as they left for Little Rock Arkansas They were presented gifts and a money tree in appreciation of their work the last several months Brian worked with our youth and Kathy played the piano for us Wednesday evening activities for this week: GA's and RA's at 7:30 Bible study and prayer at 7:30 choir practice at 8:30 Our Vacation Bible school is June 7-1 1 We still need some workers Visitors: Mrmrs Jack Pearson Clarinda Iowa Mrs Mildred Gorbet Kansas City Mrs Juanita Carney Osceola Ronald and Ruby Wells Zanesville Ohio The evening service was a series of inspirational messages done in music and song Come unto me all who labor and are heavy laden and 1 will give vou rest 11:28 How often our plans go awrv and all our efforts seem futile' Frustration ernes and we hardlv know here to turn it nice that our heavenly Father wants us to come to Hint? He always welcomes us former things have passed Furthermore through Revelation Christ promises us I am coming But how soon is soon? For almost 2 OX) years Christians have been predicting that the Second Coming was right around the corner But here we are in the year of 1982 and "1 am coming cannot mean what some of Christ's followers thought it meant Do these words still hav something to sav -0 us? I must confess that I have trouble with much of the Book of Revelation visions confuse me in the same manner that my dreams confuse me sometimes The pictures are fleeting everchanging and the symbolism could mean many things Yet tike my dreams the visions of John can convey a message even if 1 understand the complex pictures themselves COME LORD JESl 5 I really do not have to know the location of the "new heaven" and "new earth" I do not have to understand the symbolism of the timetable for the fulfillment of God's plan 1 do not have to recognize all the beasts and figures in or any All of these details are like tree1- a vast forest and 1 must not miss the forest for the trees I do not know when how or where all these things shall come to pass but 1 can continue to hold fast to my discipleship in Christ in a darkened world convinced that the world is still in God's hands and will eventually become what he created it to be soon" may mean tomorrow or millennia from now It matters not so long as 1 know Who is coming and what He means tome Background Scripture: Revelation 2 1 through 22 Devotional Reading: Matthew There is a sobering warning at the end of Re elation (22:18 19) that no oneshouldmiss: I want everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book if anyone adds to them God will add to him the plagues described in this book and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city which are described in this book It is a warning not only to those who would literally take away or add words but those who would use words to make the prophecy sav something that John's angel did not intend ALL THINGS NEW But that leaves us with a tremendous problem doesn't it? For the Book of Revelation is the most difficult to understand of all the books of the Bible It literally begs us for interpretation What is meant by the vision of "a new heaven and a new Where shall we find the Jerusalem? Here on earth or in heaven? And where is it that will wipe away every tear from their eyes and death shall be no more neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any and when will "the St Catholic Beautiful flowers from the garden of Mrmrs George Ellis have decorated our altar these past several weeks They are appreciated and enjoyed Wednesday evening Mrmrs Alex Martel presented the gifts to the altar at the 5:30 pm service May 20 was the Feast of the Ascension Mrs Dorothy Ellis and Venita Chin brought the gifts to the Altar The homily concerned the fact that after Our ascension into heaven we must carry on His good works and lead our lives for Him The Saturday 5:30 pm Mass was offered Father Joseph Starmann was the celebrant and Mrmrs Ed Buckler from Springfield assisted Roberta Preseren was the commentator and Mike Preseren read the scriptures The homily reflected on the transformation of the apostles after they received the Holy Spirit The host and wine were brought to the altar by Mrs Emma McNichols and Mrs Lorreine Brand The Sunday 9 am Mass was offered for Richard Brown Father Thomas McGrath chaplain of Still Hospital in Jefferson City will be with us for the 5:30 pm Mass next weekend Monday May 24 an MDI session held a meeting at Our Lady of the Lake at Lake Ozark at 7 pm Those who attended the Fall and February sessions were asked to return Richard Yarshen will be ordained to the Permanent Diaconate Saturday May 29 at St Cathedral in Jefferson City at 2 pm Transportation will be provided for those who need it The first annual Parish Appreciation Dinner will follow the 5 pm Mass Sunday May 30 Mr Yarshen will diaconate at the Mass for the first time that evening Hermitage United Methodist The organ prelude "Come With Rejoicing" set the mood for the worship service at 11 am with Rev Franklyn Taylor in the pulpit Shannon Lightfoot and Tanya Thomas were candlelighters Floyd Davis and Winston Kerrick ushered Seventy were present Mrs Taylor assisted her husband in the pulpit as did Joylyn and Neal in presenting the order of service and a discussion on "Love of the theme and sermon topic Scriptures were Deut 5:16 Eph and the text Matt 22:39 The choir sang "I Know Who Holds Tomorrow" Serena Rachel Taylor attended for the first time with Neal and Becky A delicate rose in a vase was a gift to her from the family Floral arrangements of peonies roses and pansies were shared by members Congratulations were extended to Kenneth Duly church treasurer who was chosen of the Year by the local Lions Club Tom A and Ruby Wiley Overland Park Ks were guest worshipers Mrs Loren Gibs was here on a visit and came with Mrs Virgil Maxev Shannon Lightfoot attended with her grandmother Rebecca Dorman Edna Davis was able to be back again In Sunday school the lesson the Righteous was based on Rev 19 Twenty-eight came for the hour The birthday song was sung to Sabrina Thomas who was 3 Many from the congregation attended the fellowship supper and enjoved the film Rolltop Desk as produced by the Mo Dept of Conservation Gaimey Interdenominational Sunday school attendance 66 morning worship 126 evening worship 54 The call to worship Just Praise the Lord" Brother Don led the opening prayer We welcomed visitors from Des Moines Iowa Chicago III and Adrian Martin City and Springfield Mo We enjoyed a trio singing To Be Like Thee" by Shirley De Monbrun Monett Alexander and Beulah DeMonbrun Pastor message was taken from Romans The evening worship service opened by congregation singing "Rejoice Evermore" Betty Dawson offered the opening prayer Pastor message was or scripture taken from Mark Glenn Colson closed with prayer The church fellowship weiner roast will be at 6 o'clock Friday night The 5th Sunday night hymn sing will be at 6:45 Fruit salad will be served afterwards.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.