Granddaddy Edgar's aggro lifegain | Wiki | The MTG Multiverse Amino (2024)

Hey all Sarkhan Sam here with a deck tech! I have been working on this deck for a while now and although it's not quiet finished it's actually pretty good. This deck really does what I have built it to do, I wanted to make this deck as aggro as possible so I decided to keep Grandaddy Edgar as General to benifit from that so I can get lots of tokens as I put down lots of Vampire's. Edgar also works well when he comes out giving everything +1 counters as he attacks and works well with the Drana that gives +1 counters too. Another way this deck works well is there are alot of flyers giving me the evasion advantage and also somthing that has only come to light since I started playing the deck is that it gains me alot of life, this is somthing I didn't contact on at first but alot of Vampire's have lifelink on there are some enchantments that give it too so as I attack alot with lost of little aggressive creature I build up losts of life over time.

I'm always open to advice or tips so feel free to let me know if there are better alternatives to what I'm running or doing any advice is much appreciated.

Now on to the deck.

Link to deck on tappedout.


Granddaddy Edgar's aggro lifegain | Wiki | The MTG Multiverse Amino (1)

I went with granddaddy Edgar because hrs perfect for aggro, you can really benifit from the putting lots of little creatures down early game because his eminence ability gives you a token Vampire every time you do, then once you get him out onto the battlefield he starts pumping up your creatures making them go from low end aggro creatures to potentially very powerful.

Tokens matter

Granddaddy Edgar's aggro lifegain | Wiki | The MTG Multiverse Amino (2)

We are going to be making a fair few tokens so it makes sense to put in some ways to benifit from that so I put in anointed procession to double our out put, then we have Ashnod's alter abd cull the weak to use them for ramp, we also have skull clamp to turn them into a two card draw and seems all these things kill thoes tokens we will add in Dictate of erebos just to force your oponents to Sac a creature because why not :satisfied: .


Granddaddy Edgar's aggro lifegain | Wiki | The MTG Multiverse Amino (3)

Ramp is helpful in any deck but these colours can struggle abit however the signets in the mardu colours and Sol ring are a great start, because this is an aggro deck and we will be attacking alot we can really get black market going and hymn can be very useful if we have alot of creatures and tokens built up.


Granddaddy Edgar's aggro lifegain | Wiki | The MTG Multiverse Amino (4)

These are all pretty standard removal for these colours both utter end and vindicate are very good along with crackling doom, also torrent of hailfire is great to use once you can take lots out of black market and or hymn.


Granddaddy Edgar's aggro lifegain | Wiki | The MTG Multiverse Amino (5)

I don't have many buffs in this deck but I picked a few that work with tribal the blades are just great on any of our Vampires, door to destinies can build up very fast in this deck, Vanquisher's Banner not only buffs your creatures but also gives you a draw whenever you cast a Vampire.

Life gain/drain

Granddaddy Edgar's aggro lifegain | Wiki | The MTG Multiverse Amino (6)

The whip gives all my Vampires lifelink and has really put in some work in matches I have had and the blood tribute can be devistating especially if you kick it. The rest are life gain triggers for sanguine bond which I plan to eventually combo with exquisite blood once I can afford to buy it.


Granddaddy Edgar's aggro lifegain | Wiki | The MTG Multiverse Amino (7)

This deck seems to draw well and seems I get losts of life I don't mind using that on digging for my answers, blood fast has really come in handy in some matches.


Granddaddy Edgar's aggro lifegain | Wiki | The MTG Multiverse Amino (8)

I realise these are not the best Sorin cards but these are the ones I had in my collection when I build the deck and still serve me well having abilities that still synergie with with the deck.


Granddaddy Edgar's aggro lifegain | Wiki | The MTG Multiverse Amino (9)

Having your oponents creatures come in tapped is a great benefit in an aggro deck leaving them abit more open, giving your creatures indestructible is also going to really give you a powerful boost that could hep you win the game. I also put I'm one tutor but I could probably do with some more and maby some graveyard recursion.

The Vampires

Granddaddy Edgar's aggro lifegain | Wiki | The MTG Multiverse Amino (10)

Granddaddy Edgar's aggro lifegain | Wiki | The MTG Multiverse Amino (11)

Granddaddy Edgar's aggro lifegain | Wiki | The MTG Multiverse Amino (12)

Vampires are a great tribe for helping each other out so I put in plenty that buff eather themselves or each other, they are also good at making your oponents suffer so there are also cards in here that heart the oponent when a creature dies or even force a Sac on each of there turns. Flying and lifelink are to of the main keyword on the creature's In my deck to take advantage of the evasion flying has and lifelink was something I didn’t plan on useing but it just so happened to be on alot if the cards I wanted to put in and has served me very well.

A few of my more notable Vampires are both Drana I have liberator because she complements Edgar very well and you can really start piling on the +1 counters, Bloodchief is great because you can use her to hill one of your oponents creatures then buff herself before attacking.

Ruin sage is a grate card if he sticks around for a while forcing you oponent to Sac.

Blood baron can very easily help win you the game in a deck like this almost every time entering with his second ability active giving you a flying 10/10.

Licia in a deck with losts if lifelink and life gain can cost just the cured mana to cast and the five life to put three +1 counters on her means nothing most of the time.


Granddaddy Edgar's aggro lifegain | Wiki | The MTG Multiverse Amino (13)

Granddaddy Edgar's aggro lifegain | Wiki | The MTG Multiverse Amino (14)

×6 Swamp

×4 Mountain

×3 Plains

I am still working on the land some what I don't have many tap lands left to get out but I would like to get the shock lands in these colours other than yhat those the mana bace is not to bad and is much faster that it was out of box.

Thanks for reading if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to put them down in the comments I would love to hear what you think but for now!

Sarkhan sam out.

Granddaddy Edgar's aggro lifegain | Wiki | The MTG Multiverse Amino (2024)
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