GOODNOE - Wildfire and Smoke Map (2025)

  1. Your life in data
  2. Fire and Smoke

Hazard Mapping System: Wildfire and Smoke

Fire Detail

Incident Type CategoryWildfire
Fire CauseHuman
Fire Discovery Date TimeAug. 28, 2024, 1:36 p.m.
Fire Discovery Age2 days
Modified Date TimeAug. 28, 2024, 5:16 p.m.

Area Detail

Level III EcoregionColumbia Plateau
Land FormMostly Scattered low mountains, with some Low mountains
PAD-USBLM Spokane Wenatchee Field Office
Percent: Develop 2.82%
Percent: Forest 6.75%
Percent: Shrub 20.86%
Percent: Grass 67.30%
Percent: Cropland2.29%


GOODNOE - Wildfire and Smoke Map (1) Wildfire (WFIGS)

GOODNOE - Wildfire and Smoke Map (2)New Wildfire - Past 24 hours

GOODNOE - Wildfire and Smoke Map (3) Prescribed Fire (WFIGS)

GOODNOE - Wildfire and Smoke Map (4) Other (WFIGS)

GOODNOE - Wildfire and Smoke Map (5) Fire (USGS)

GOODNOE - Wildfire and Smoke Map (6) Fire (NOAA)

Potential Fire (NOAA)


Red Flag Warning

Fire Weather Watch

Source: The Wildland Fire Interagency Geospatial Service(WFIGS), Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC), NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations

Reported Wildfires


(County, State)

CountyStateFire Discoverd Date% ContainedSize (Acres)Estimated Cost to DateEstimated PopulationEstimated Housing Units

(Butte County, CA)

ButteCAJuly 24, 2024, 5:52 p.m.95%429,603$299,948,19921976

(Baker County, OR)

BakerORJuly 17, 2024, 11:57 a.m.99%294,265$30,495,0001710

(Sheridan County, WY)

SheridanWYAug. 22, 2024, 10:07 a.m.76%196,368$3,000,000

(Washington County, ID)

WashingtonIDAug. 5, 2024, 9:56 p.m.100%187,185$6,300,000
House Draw

(Johnson County, WY)

JohnsonWYAug. 21, 2024, 12:21 p.m.94%174,683$4,840,000

(Harney County, OR)

HarneyORJuly 10, 2024, 10:55 a.m.100%151,689$67,814,990

(Gilliam County, OR)

GilliamORJuly 13, 2024, 7:24 p.m.99%137,222$32,294,00022
Monkey Creek

(Morrow County, OR)

MorrowORJuly 18, 2024, 6:13 p.m.48%115,269$84,500,000

(Boise County, ID)

BoiseIDJuly 24, 2024, 10:58 p.m.Unknown92,308$13,831,09631

(Crook County, OR)

CrookORJuly 22, 2024, 2:07 p.m.93%86,968$36,422,368
Warner Peak

(Lake County, OR)

LakeORAug. 5, 2024, 8:05 p.m.100%65,866$10,708,23282

(Harney County, OR)

HarneyORJuly 22, 2024, 3:19 p.m.100%54,005$11,119,266
Flat Rock

(Campbell County, WY)

CampbellWYAug. 21, 2024, 8:13 p.m.78%52,421$1,697,4614133

(Klickitat County, WA)

KlickitatWAJuly 22, 2024, 4:07 p.m.100%51,569$3,200,000105

(Grant County, OR)

GrantORJuly 17, 2024, 6:42 p.m.100%49,716$3,534,841

(Yakima County, WA)

YakimaWAJuly 23, 2024, 6:46 p.m.95%45,601$25,029,0003321

(Boise County, ID)

BoiseIDAug. 6, 2024, 11:35 a.m.3%44,199$15,419,600

(Chelan County, WA)

ChelanWAJune 8, 2024, 3:48 p.m.23%38,735$100,000,000

(Adams County, ID)

AdamsIDJuly 24, 2024, 8:21 p.m.93%32,735$33,049,544

(Valley County, ID)

ValleyIDAug. 5, 2024, 7:22 p.m.3%29,542$10,500,000
Sand Stone

(Maricopa County, AZ)

MaricopaAZJuly 25, 2024, 9:04 p.m.100%27,390$9,292,068
Lane 1

(Lane County, OR)

LaneORJuly 17, 2024, 6:10 p.m.93%25,267$60,526,24141

(Campbell County, WY)

CampbellWYAug. 21, 2024, 7:41 p.m.95%24,594$1,453,837
Cougar Creek

(Asotin County, WA)

AsotinWAJuly 15, 2024, 9:30 p.m.98%24,091$31,296,591912

(Yavapai County, AZ)

YavapaiAZAug. 3, 2024, 6:07 p.m.77%24,034$1,500,000

Smoke Description

Descriptive text narrative for smoke/dust observed in satelite imagery through Aug. 30, 2024, 8 p.m.


Canada/United States/Atlantic Ocean - Mixed density smoke attributed to wildfire activity across northwestern and central Canada, was observed blowing eastwards across Canada into the Atlantic Ocean, as well as and drifting southwards into the United States. Remnant smoke originating from wildfires in Idaho was still seen across parts of southeastern U.S. Heavy cloud cover over in Canada and northern U.S precluded further smoke analysis and thus localized moderate to thick density smoke may be still present underneath the cloud cover.

Idaho/Montana - Due to continual wildfires in the Boise National Park region (Western Idaho), light to heavy density smoke was observed this evening blowing eastwards and remained localized within Idaho and Montana.

DUST: Tropical Atlantic - Saharan Dust was seen extending westward from the African coast to the central Caribbean Sea, Hispaniola, and into the Central Atlantic.


Source: NOAA


OFF THE GRID: Power Outage TrackerAs severe weather or blizzards threaten, this database scrapes power outage information from more than 1,000 companies nationwide. It will automatically update every 15 minutes.Weather Alerts: Warnings, Watches and AdvisoriesTrack all current severe weather warnings, watches and advisories for McLean, Virginia and other areas in the United States on the interactive weather alerts page. This data is updated every 5 minutes.Rolling Storm Damage ReportsAs storms strike, this interactive map is your guide to impacts and damage reports coming into National Weather Service stations nationwide.A history of twisters: Tornadoes in Florida since 1950sThis interactive map, which contains data from January 1950, pinpoints where a cyclone touched down and traces its path of destruction. For more recent tornadoes, clicking deeper provides more details, damage estimates and whether someone was injured or killed in the storm.Real-time Streamflow Map: River Water Level Current data typically are recorded at 15- to 60-minute intervals.Excessive Rainfall ForecastWeather Prediction Center forecasts the probability that rainfall will exceed flash flood guidance within 25 miles of a point.Maximum Heat Index ForecastMaximum heat index forecast for next 7 days. Updated daily from May 1 through Sept. 30Drought Monitor and HistoryData shows the location and intensity of drought across the country.Wildfire HistorySee a map of wildfires since 2017Air Quality Index (AQI) Forecasts and Current ConditionsThe Air Quality Index (AQI) translates air quality data into numbers and colors that help people understand when to take action to protect their health.Storm Tracker and Model MixerA hurricane watcher's guide to the latest track and model forecasts. This storm tracker contains data from 1851.Weather Data since 1895County-level monthly precipitation and temperature data since 1895 provieded by National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). The data is updated every month. Mapping smoke from Canada: As wildfires burn, check the air quality in your areaMontana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, parts of Wisconsin and Iowa were under an air quality alert Monday because of wildfire smoke coming from Canada.

Source: '' Satellite Image

'; return popupContent; } function onGonFeature(feature) { var popupContent = '

Smoke - '+ +' Density

Source: '' Satellite Image

'; return popupContent; } function onCWWFeature(feature) { //const options = { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; const options = { dateStyle: 'full', timeStyle: 'long', timeZone: "America/New_York" }; var dlink = '/severe-weather-alerts-warnings-watches/detail/'+slugify(' '' ''/''/' if ( != null) { var wwadesc = truncate(, 15); if ( != wwadesc) { wwadesc += '...... VIEW MORE ' } } else { var wwadesc = '' } var popupContent = '

'' ''

'; popupContent += '

'; popupContent += ''; if ( != null){popupContent += '';} if ( != null){popupContent += '';} if ( != null){popupContent += '';} if ( != null && != 'None'){popupContent += '';} popupContent += '
Initially Issued'+new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-us', options).format(new Date(*1000))+'
Expires'+new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-us', options).format(new Date(*1000))+'


'; return popupContent; } function onCombinediPntFeature(feature,cu) { if ( === 'WF'){ var itp = 'Wildfire'; } else if ( === 'RX'){ var itp = 'Prescribed Fire'; } else {var itp = 'Other';} var popupContent = '


'; var ddtv = new Date(; popupContent += ''; popupContent += ''; if ( != null){ popupContent += ''; } if ( != null){ popupContent += ''; } if ( != null){ popupContent += ''; } if ( != null){ popupContent += ''; } if ( != null){ popupContent += ''; } if ( != null){ popupContent += ''; } if ( != null){ popupContent += ''; } if ( != null){ popupContent += ''; } popupContent += '
Fire Discovery DateTime'+ddtv+'
Stage of Control''
Response Type''
Area Description''
Size (Acres)'+addComma(,'')+'
Estimated Cost to Date'+addComma(,'$')+'
Estimated Population'+addComma(,'')+'
Estimated Housing Units'+addComma(,'')+'

'; popupContent += '


'; if (cu == 'US'){ popupContent += '

Source: The Wildland Fire Interagency Geospatial Service (WFIGS)

'; } else if (cu == 'CA'){ popupContent += '

Source: Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC)

'; } return popupContent; } // var csloc = {"type":"FeatureCollection", "features":[{"type":"Feature","ct":"Point","properties":{"name":"McLean, VA", "pmk":"USAT", "GEO_ID":"51059","TIME":"","knt":"", "icon":"/static//markers/original/tourism/citysquare.png", "bgc":""},"description":{"stormtype":""},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-77.3165,38.8236]} } ]};mapboxgl.accessToken = 'pk.eyJ1IjoieXB5dW4iLCJhIjoiY2oxcW4ybWhxMDBkMjJxcGVhbDV5cnpzYyJ9.oFQSnOc57xCR7A51OR6-3w';var thisStyle = 'mapbox://styles/ypyun/ck0flqufl2k1x1cpmupm5sl2y';var map = new mapboxgl.Map({container: 'firetrackingmap', style: thisStyle, center: [-120.556638195124, 45.7847336980888], zoom: 12, attributionControl: false, });map.addControl(new mapboxgl.AttributionControl({ compact: true, customAttribution:[''] }));map.on('load', function () { var layers = map.getStyle().layers; var firstSymbolId; for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { if (layers[i].type === 'symbol') { firstSymbolId = layers[i].id; break; } } map.addSource('cww', {type: 'geojson', data: '/media/jsons/weather/wwa/current_ww_crh.json?v='+rnna }); map.addLayer({ "id": "FWW", "type": "fill", "source":"cww", "filter":['all', ["==", "p", "Red Flag"], ["==", "s", "Warning"], ], "paint": {'fill-color': {type:'identity', property:'c'}, 'fill-opacity':0.6, 'fill-outline-color': '#CCC'}}, firstSymbolId); map.addLayer({ "id": "FWA", "type": "fill", "source":"cww", "filter":['all', ["==", "p", "Fire Weather"], ["==", "s", "Watch"], ], "paint": {'fill-color': {type:'identity', property:'c'}, 'fill-opacity':0.6, 'fill-outline-color': '#CCC'}}, firstSymbolId); map.addLayer({ "id": "HWW", "type": "fill", "source":"cww", "filter":['all', ["==", "p", "High Wind"], ["==", "s", "Warning"], ], "paint": {'fill-color': {type:'identity', property:'c'}, 'fill-opacity':0.6, 'fill-outline-color': '#CCC'}}, firstSymbolId); map.addLayer({ "id": "HWA", "type": "fill", "source":"cww", "filter":['all', ["==", "p", "High Wind"], ["==", "s", "Watch"], ], "paint": {'fill-color': {type:'identity', property:'c'}, 'fill-opacity':0.6, 'fill-outline-color': '#CCC'}}, firstSymbolId); for (const weatherAlert of ['FWW','FWA','HWW','HWA','FRW','FRA']){ map.on('click', weatherAlert, function (e) {new mapboxgl.Popup({ offset: 14 }).setLngLat(e.lngLat).setHTML(onCWWFeature(e.features[0])).addTo(map);}); map.on('mouseenter', weatherAlert, function () {map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer'; }); map.on('mouseleave', weatherAlert, function () {map.getCanvas().style.cursor = ''; }); } map.addSource('GeoSmoke', {type: 'geojson', data: '/media/wildfire/active/smoke_noaa.json?v='+rnna }); map.addLayer({ "id": "GeoMACSmokeL", "type": "fill", "source": "GeoSmoke", filter: ["==", "Density", "Light"], "paint": {'fill-color': "#ad6d2d", 'fill-opacity':0.2, 'fill-outline-color': '#c07b36', }}, firstSymbolId); map.addLayer({ "id": "GeoMACSmokeM", "type": "fill", "source": "GeoSmoke", filter: ["==", "Density", "Medium"],"paint": {'fill-color': "#874504", 'fill-opacity':0.2, 'fill-outline-color': '#c07b36', }}, firstSymbolId); map.addLayer({ "id": "GeoMACSmokeH", "type": "fill", "source": "GeoSmoke", filter: ["==", "Density", "Heavy"], "paint": {'fill-color': "#5c2f03", 'fill-opacity':0.2, 'fill-outline-color': '#c07b36', }}, firstSymbolId); for (const smokeLevel of ['GeoMACSmokeL','GeoMACSmokeM','GeoMACSmokeH']){ map.on('click', smokeLevel, function (e) {new mapboxgl.Popup({ offset: 14 }).setLngLat(e.lngLat).setHTML(onGonFeature(e.features[0])).addTo(map);}); map.on('mouseenter', smokeLevel, function () {map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer'; }); map.on('mouseleave', smokeLevel, function () {map.getCanvas().style.cursor = ''; }); } // add a clustered GeoJSON source for powerplant map.addSource('SourceNOAA', {type: 'geojson', data: '/media/wildfire/active/fire_noaa.json?v='+rnna, 'cluster': true, 'clusterRadius': 30, 'clusterMaxZoom': 6 }); map.addLayer({ id: "clusters", type: "circle", source: "SourceNOAA", filter: ["has", "point_count"], paint: { "circle-color": ["step",["get", "point_count"],"#f73b3b", 50, "#eb1c1c", 150, "#b50000" ], "circle-radius": ["step", ["get", "point_count"], 20,50,30,150,40], "circle-opacity": 0.4 } },firstSymbolId); map.addLayer({ id: "cluster-count", type: "symbol", source: "SourceNOAA", filter: ["has", "point_count"], layout: {"text-field": "{point_count_abbreviated}","text-font": ["DIN Offc Pro Medium", "Arial Unicode MS Bold"], "text-size": 12 } }); map.addLayer({ id: "unclustered-point", type: "circle", source: "SourceNOAA", filter: ["!", ["has", "point_count"]], paint: {"circle-color": "#b50000", "circle-radius": 5, "circle-stroke-width": 1, "circle-stroke-color": "#CCC",} }); map.on('click', 'unclustered-point', function (e) {new mapboxgl.Popup({ offset: 14 }).setLngLat(e.lngLat).setHTML(onSLFFeature(e.features[0])).addTo(map);}); map.on('mouseenter', 'unclustered-point', function () {map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer'; }); map.on('mouseleave', 'unclustered-point', function () {map.getCanvas().style.cursor = ''; }); // inspect a cluster on click map.on('click', 'clusters', function (e) { var features = map.queryRenderedFeatures(e.point, { layers: ['clusters'] }); var clusterId = features[0].properties.cluster_id; map.getSource('SourceNOAA').getClusterExpansionZoom(clusterId, function (err, zoom) { if (err) return; map.easeTo({center: features[0].geometry.coordinates, zoom: zoom }); }); }); map.loadImage('/media/wildfire/icon/wf.png', function(error, image) {if (error) throw error; map.addImage('wfigsWF', image); }); map.loadImage('/media/wildfire/icon/wf_new.png', function(error, image) {if (error) throw error; map.addImage('wfigsWFNEW', image); }); map.loadImage('/media/wildfire/icon/rx.png', function(error, image) {if (error) throw error; map.addImage('wfigsRX', image); }); map.loadImage('/media/wildfire/icon/cx.png', function(error, image) {if (error) throw error; map.addImage('wfigsCX', image); }); map.addSource('combined_wildfire', {type: 'geojson', data: '/media/wildfire/active/wildfire_combined_location.json?v='+rnna }); map.addLayer({"id": "FEMALayerWN", "type": "symbol", "source": "combined_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wfn"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWFNEW', "icon-size": 0.15, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "FEMALayerW1", "type": "symbol", "source": "combined_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf1"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.15, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "FEMALayerW2", "type": "symbol", "source": "combined_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf2"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.20, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "FEMALayerW3", "type": "symbol", "source": "combined_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf3"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.25, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "FEMALayerW4", "type": "symbol", "source": "combined_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf4"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.30, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "FEMALayerW5", "type": "symbol", "source": "combined_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf5"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.35, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "FEMALayerRX", "type": "symbol", "source": "combined_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","rx"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsRX', "icon-size": 0.15, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "FEMALayerCX", "type": "symbol", "source": "combined_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","cx"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsCX', "icon-size": 0.15, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addSource('canada_wildfire', {type: 'geojson', data: '/media/wildfire/active/wildfire_canada_location.json?v='+rnna }); map.addLayer({"id": "CanadaLayerWN", "type": "symbol", "source": "canada_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wfn"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWFNEW', "icon-size": 0.15, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "CanadaLayerW1", "type": "symbol", "source": "canada_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf1"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.15, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "CanadaLayerW2", "type": "symbol", "source": "canada_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf2"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.20, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "CanadaLayerW3", "type": "symbol", "source": "canada_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf3"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.25, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "CanadaLayerW4", "type": "symbol", "source": "canada_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf4"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.30, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "CanadaLayerW5", "type": "symbol", "source": "canada_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf5"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.35, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "CanadaLayerCX", "type": "symbol", "source": "canada_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","cx"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsCX', "icon-size": 0.15, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addSource('combined_wildfire_perimeter', {type: 'geojson', data: '/media/wildfire/active/wildfire_combined_perimeter.json?v='+rnna }); map.addLayer({ "id": "FEMALayerPM", "type": "fill", "source": "combined_wildfire_perimeter", "paint": {'fill-color': "#870505", 'fill-opacity':0.4, 'fill-outline-color': '#CCCCCC' } }, firstSymbolId); for (const fireIcons of ['FEMALayerWN','FEMALayerW1','FEMALayerW2','FEMALayerW3','FEMALayerW4','FEMALayerW5', 'FEMALayerRX','FEMALayerCX','FEMALayerPM']){ map.on('click', fireIcons, function (e) {new mapboxgl.Popup({ offset: 14 }).setLngLat(e.lngLat).setHTML(onCombinediPntFeature(e.features[0],'US')).addTo(map);}); } for (const fireIcons of ['CanadaLayerWN','CanadaLayerW1','CanadaLayerW2','CanadaLayerW3','CanadaLayerW4','CanadaLayerW5','CanadaLayerCX']){ map.on('click', fireIcons, function (e) {new mapboxgl.Popup({ offset: 14 }).setLngLat(e.lngLat).setHTML(onCombinediPntFeature(e.features[0],'CA')).addTo(map);}); } for (const fireIcons of ['FEMALayerWN','FEMALayerW1','FEMALayerW2','FEMALayerW3','FEMALayerW4','FEMALayerW5', 'FEMALayerRX','FEMALayerCX','FEMALayerPM','CanadaLayerWN','CanadaLayerW1','CanadaLayerW2','CanadaLayerW3','CanadaLayerW4','CanadaLayerW5','CanadaLayerCX']){ map.on('mouseenter', fireIcons, function () {map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer'; }); map.on('mouseleave', fireIcons, function () {map.getCanvas().style.cursor = ''; }); } // csloc.features.forEach(function(marker) { var el = document.createElement('div'); el.className = 'csIcon'; new mapboxgl.Marker(el).setLngLat(marker.geometry.coordinates).setPopup(new mapboxgl.Popup({ offset: 14 })).addTo(map); });});map.addControl(new mapboxgl.NavigationControl(), 'top-left');var BounceLine = null;if (BounceLine) {var bounds = new mapboxgl.LngLatBounds();BounceLine.forEach(function(Tpolygon) { Tpolygon.forEach(function(Tline){ Tline.forEach(function(Tpoint){bounds.extend(Tpoint); }) }) });map.fitBounds(bounds, { padding: 20 });}

GOODNOE - Wildfire and Smoke Map (2025)
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Article information

Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Last Updated:

Views: 5821

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.